Managing Challenging Behaviours in Early Childhood

Classroom and behaviour management

Supporting behaviours that challenge in the Early Childhood setting requires thoughtful teacher adjustments. During this session, the presenter will discuss how behaviour is a sign to address the needs of the child and how they are engaging and interacting within their environment.  It is important for Educators to have a range of proactive strategies to support children with behaviours that may challenge us. This session will explore a range of children's underlying needs and discuss how to engage and interact with children proactively. The presenter will share strategies that can be implemented for specific children as well as be incorporated for the whole group.

Standards addressed:

  • 4.3.2 Manage challenging behaviour

Course Length: 1 hour

Presenter: Belinda Harssarati


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21/08/2024 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online Meeting in Zoom
Registration not available.