Induction to Victorian schools - South Melbourne

The profession of teaching

If you are new to Victorian schools, this full day in-person workshop is for you. During this workshop, presenters will unpack the Victorian school system and its culture. Experts in the field will investigate the Victorian Teaching and Learning model and its High Impact Teaching approach to promote Victorian children to be lifelong learners. Amongst other skills, teachers will learn how Victorian schools set goals, structure lessons, and explicitly teach. As learning and wellbeing are paramount in the discussion for this day, presenters will also be guiding teachers through the Victorian Framework for Improving Student Outcomes which ensures that teachers build positive learning environments. Teachers will also walk away with helpful advice on understanding the models of employment in Victorian schools and the Victorian Institute of Teaching’s professional requirements and registration.

Standards addressed:

  • 2.3.2 Curriculum assessment and reporting
  • 3.3.2 Use teaching strategies

Course Length: 4 hours

Presenter: David Innes

This course will give you credit towards the CRTPD Victorian School Induction badge.


Please sign in at the top of the page to enable registration for this course.

23/09/2024 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
IEU VT 120 Clarendon Street South Melbourne, VIC 3006
Registration not available.