Assessment – the meanning of ‘at standard’? (primary)

Assessment and Feedback

In the realm of primary education, assessment plays a pivotal role in understanding student progress and informing teaching strategies. But what exactly does it mean when a student is deemed to be 'at standard'? This 30-minute webinar aims to simplify this concept, providing educators with clarity and confidence in their assessment practices. Join our presenter as we delve into the essence of 'at standard' in primary education. We'll explore the criteria used to determine whether a student meets the expected level of proficiency in various subjects. Across the primary curriculum, we'll discuss how assessment frameworks are applied and interpreted within the primary school. Through practical examples, participants will gain insights into the intricacies of assessing student performance and understanding their strengths and areas for improvement. Moreover, we'll address common challenges faced by teachers in assessing students accurately and fairly. With the Casual Relief Teacher in mind, this webinar offers valuable insights into the assessment process in primary education. Enhance your understanding of what it truly means for a student to be 'at standard' and empower your teaching practices accordingly. Join us to unlock the potential of assessment in primary education.

Standards addressed:

  • 5.3.2 Make consistent and comparable judgements

Course Length: 0.5 hours

Presenter: Steven Kolber


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5/06/2024 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online Meeting in Zoom
Registration not available.