Models of Teaching - new and old pedagogies - Abbotsford

This full day in-person session is a great opportunity for you to reflect, learn and refine your approach to teaching (or your pedagogy). There have been so many innovations and re-working of older teaching strategies that finding a path through the maze can be confusing; Inquiry Learning, Direct Instruction, HITS, Twenty First Century Teaching, Personalised Learning, Project Based Learning, Neuro-education. How do you sort the wheat from the chaff and maintain your own integrity as a high quality teacher. This is a full day exploration of teaching; a reflection on your own practice, updates on new pedagogies and the opportunity to incorporate new ideas into your own teaching. A day for you to focus on the art and science of teaching. A day for you to enhance your craft as a professional teacher.

Standards addressed:

  • 3.2.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
  • 3.3.2 Use teaching strategies
  • 3.6.2 Evaluate and improve teaching programs

Course Length: 6 hours

Presenter: Coby Beatson


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22/09/2023 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
AEU Building 126 Trenerry Cr Abbotsford, VIC 3067
Registration not available.