What Is Online Learning?

Online learning is simply learning in an environment where you are connected to other learners online.

The TLN have a decade of experience delivering high quality professional development in virtual learning environments.

Just as there is no single way to teach a lesson in person, the TLN has developed multiple formats to ensure that participants can engage with the content, presenters and other participants in the most effective way possible.

Courses range from Q&A sessions, to lectures, to workshop discussions and there is a variety of On Demand content accessible at any time you can login to the internet.

When running live courses the TLN has pioneered processes to ensure a smooth experience which includes providing a presentation from a content expert, a host to manage the online learning space and technical support available throughout every live session. The provision of these resources and processes means that your focus will be on the content of the session rather than the mechanics of running the session.

Our aim is to provide high quality PD that is easy for you and your colleagues to access.