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School Courses

Aug 01, 2024 | 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Supporting students who have experienced trauma

Trauma can manifest in unexpected ways; understanding the principles of trauma aware teaching can lead to healthier engagement with individual students . This session delivered by staff from Berry Street focuses on how students who have experienced trauma can be supported, including understanding the different types of trauma experienced by students and strategies that will help manage the behaviours that result. While the focus will be on the classroom, there will also be an exploration of how whole school approaches can support teachers and students. The session will also be helpful for Education Support Staff who may be working one to one or with small groups.

Standards addressed:

  • 1.1.2 Physical social and intellectual development and characteristics of learners
  • 4.1.2 Support participation of learners

Course Length: 1.5 hours

Presenter: Kaine Volkov - Berry Street



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Aug 15, 2024 | 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Differentiation when teaching Maths (Thin-slicing)

Differentiation is a term that is often heard amongst teachers, though challenging to master. The varying learning stages that students step into your classroom, should make differentiation the default design when building content within the classroom. This session will introduce you to a technique of differentiation to support you in achieving better student outcomes when teaching Maths (or numeracy). Thin-slicing is one technique that you can use to cater to a wide range of abilities in your classroom. It is all in the planning - understanding the concept that you are teaching, breaking it down into its parts, and then creating layered activities that scaffold student learning. The process of narrow (hence the 'thin-slicing') to complex enables students to experience success and builds their confidence. The multi-layers to your topic ranging from entry to extended level can adapt to any classroom. In this session, an experienced Maths teacher will share examples of thin-slicing that have worked in the classroom. Suitable for middle years teachers (Years 5-9).

Standards addressed:

  • 2.5.2 Literacy and numeracy strategies

Course Length: 60 hours

Presenter: Lisa Tolley



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Aug 15, 2024 | 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Managing the learning of students with anxiety

There has been an increase in the numbers of students who are suffering from anxiety in today’s classrooms. Early reports suggest that this level of anxiety may increase as students respond to the COVID pandemic. Feelings of anxiety will prevent students from engaging in learning or achieving their potential. These barriers can be frustrating for the teacher and the student and can often lead to the student removing themselves further from the learning community. In this course the presenter will explore techniques that you can use when you are working with students who suffer from anxiety, helping you to re-engage the students while they deal with their condition. Completing Managing the learning of students with anxiety will contribute 1 hour and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing standard descriptor 4.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Standards addressed:

  • 4.2.2 Manage learning and teaching activities

Course Length: 1.5 hours

Presenter: Megan Corcoran



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Aug 29, 2024 | 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Making it right - correcting inappropriate behaviour

Behaviour management is one of the more challenging issues teachers, schools, and school systems face on a day to day basis. National and international researchers agree that students who feel safe, supported, and connected are more likely to be active participants in their learning. In this session the presenter will focus on understanding of the need for, and use of, effective consequences when managing student behaviour; how to resolve problems with students by integrating a range of responsive strategies that educate and support the development of self-regulation and peer group discipline and strategies and approaches which promote a consistent and predictable classroom environment.                                                                                                                                               Completing Behaviour Management - Making it Right will provide teachers in NSW with 2 hours of PD accredited through NESA addressing Standard 4.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Standards addressed:

  • 4.3.2 Manage challenging behaviour

Course Length: 2 hours

Presenter: David Vinegrad



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Aug 29, 2024 | 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Wellbeing Leadership – Looking after your own wellbeing

Leaders who promote wellbeing need to model good wellbeing strategies in their own personal and professional life. In this session the presenter will work with leaders on how to engage in 'self-care' that will hep them to provide effective leadership to their team. This can include identifying purpose, understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, building effective communication approaches, setting and observing boundaries, looking to your physical health, having well developed conflict resolution approaches and ensuring that you have opportunities to nurture your social, intellectual and creative self.

Standards addressed:

  • 6.1.2 Identify and plan professional learning needs
  • 6.3.2 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

Course Length: 1.5 hours

Presenter: Kristy Elliott



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Sep 12, 2024 | 05:30 PM - 06:30 PM

Techniques to reconnect with a disengaged student

What happens when a student in our class becomes disengaged? What is within our control as a teacher to respond to the disengaged student? In this session the presenter will explore some of the common manifestations of disengaged students, some suggestions about why the student might have disengaged, and different approaches, to re-engage the students in the learning community. The key, as with so many behavioural issues, is preventative strategies and then restorative approaches once things have gone awry. This is a course for teachers who believe that all students not only have a right to learn but they want to learn, and that our challenge as teachers is to find ways to connect them to a learning community.

Standards addressed:

  • 1.1.2 Physical social and intellectual development and characteristics of learners
  • 4.1.2 Support participation of learners

Course Length: 1 hour

Presenter: Megan Corcoran



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Sep 26, 2024 | 01:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Middle Leadership – a culture of positive feedback

Teachers are the best people to support other teachers to develop and improve their practice. There is good evidence to show that peer observation is an effective form of teacher professional learning. In this session the presenter will explore a range of approaches to peer observation in schools, and suggest strategies that you can implement as a middle leader to a culture of positive peer feedback in the team that you lead.

Standards addressed:

  • 6.1.2 Identify and plan professional learning needs
  • 6.3.2 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

Course Length: 3 hours

Presenter: Claire Golledge



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Oct 02, 2024 | 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Masterclass – Feedback to improve student outcomes

A Masterclass provides the opportunity to explore in depth a dimension of your teaching practice. It includes a review of your practice, revisiting core principles, understanding developments and innovations, and then reflecting on opportunities for change and improvement. In this Masterclass the focus is on feedback. There are two essential feedback channels, from teacher to student and from student to teacher. This Masterclass will explore techniques for implementing feedback strategies from teacher to student and how this feedback can improve student outcomes. When students give teachers feedback they are telling teachers how they are going in their learning, what progress they are making, and whether they know where to go next.

Standards addressed:

  • 5.2.2 Provide feedback to learners about their learning
  • 5.4.2 Interpret data from learners

Course Length: 3 hours

Presenter: Coby Beatson



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Oct 02, 2024 | 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Techniques to reconnect with a disengaged class

We have all experienced a time when we lose a class - they become disengaged from the learning content and from us as their teacher. In this session the presenter will explore some of the common traits of classes that have disengaged, some possible reasons why that might have happened, and different approaches that could be used to re-engage the class. The key, as with so many behavioural issues, is preventative strategies and then restorative approaches once things have gone awry. This is a course for teachers who believe that they want all of their classes and all students to be actively engaged in their learning.

Standards addressed:

  • 4.1.2 Support participation of learners
  • 4.2.2 Manage learning and teaching activities

Course Length: 2 hours

Presenter: Megan Corcoran



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Oct 02, 2024 | 01:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Masterclass – Integrating formative assessment in unit plans

A Masterclass provides the opportunity to explore in depth a dimension of your teaching practice. It includes a review of your practice, revisiting core principles, understanding developments and innovations, and then reflecting on opportunities for change and improvement. In this session the focus is on formative assessment, often referred to as assessment ‘for learning’ and ‘as learning’. As with any assessment practice it is about how you gather, analyse and interpret evidence of student work, to make good judgements about improving student learning; judgements about ‘where to next’ for each student.

Standards addressed:

  • 5.1.2 Assess learning
  • 5.3.2 Make consistent and comparable judgements
  • 5.4.2 Interpret data from learners

Course Length: 3 hours

Presenter: David Innes



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Oct 24, 2024 | 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Extending gifted students in the middle years

Teaching a class that contains one or more gifted students creates many exciting opportunities for teachers but also poses some challenges to planning engaging lessons. Differentiating effectively will help ensure gifted students are catered for and presenting lessons that allow multiple entry points will also stimulate thinking. This session will examine pedagogy that is most effective, how to ensure the curriculum is relevant and explore practical strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to support gifted students.

Standards addressed:

  • 1.1.2 Physical social and intellectual development and characteristics of learners
  • 2.2.2 Content selection and organisation

Course Length: 1.5 hours

Presenter: Bernadette Sheedy



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Oct 24, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Wellbeing Leadership – evaluating your impact

Reflection and evaluation is an important element of leadership practice and personal wellbeing. You will have started the year with goals to achieve in your leadership role. Now is the time to reflect on your work during the year and assess your impact. It is the opportunity to celebrate your successes and to consolidate your own learning for the next school year. Reflection time, and especially reflecting in the company of others, helps us to identify how we can improve our own leadership. In this session the presenter will lead you through a series of reflective questions prompting you to reflect on where your wellbeing leadership made a positive difference and how you might keep building on your success.

Standards addressed:

  • 6.1.2 Identify and plan professional learning needs
  • 6.3.2 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

Course Length: 1.5 hours

Presenter: Kristy Elliott



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Nov 21, 2024 | 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Leadership skills - data informed change

Schools need high quality leadership to lead teams through the story of the students represented by the data that they are collecting. This leadership workshop will establish the importance of teams using data to analyse the impact of their work on student learning outcomes. The course will explore how to lead a team to identify helpful data and how that data can be used across a cohort of students whether that be an age group e.g. Year 6 or Year 9 or a curriculum area e.g. Mathematics. It is a course designed for leaders but will also benefit classroom teachers who are not yet in leadership roles.

Standards addressed:

  • 5.4.2 Interpret data from learners
  • 5.5.2 Report on achievement of learners
  • 6.3.2 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

Course Length: 3 hours

Presenter: Selena Fisk



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